11 Vastly Different Movies That Actually Have The Same Plot

(thanks to businessinsider.com)

1. “Oblivion” and “Wall-E”

Plot: One of the last drone repairman on Earth finds a spacecraft which leads to a discovery that puts the fate of mankind in his lap.

oblivion wall-e

(Universal/Disney, Pixar)

2. “Terminator/Terminator 2” and “Looper”

Plot: “A mom Sara(h) protects her son from a guy sent back in time intent on killing her son. The killer is trying to prevent the son from growing up and ruining the future for him. Sara(h) and her son are being protected from the time-traveling killer by the younger version of the killer.”

terminator looper

(Source: Reddit(Orion/TriStar)

3. “Alien” and “Juno”

Plot: “An unplanned pregnancy leads to a sticky situation.”

alien juno

(Source: Reddit, Lobster456(Fox/Fox Searchlight)

4. “Apollo 13,” “Cast Away,” “Terminal,” and “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”

Plot: “Tom Hanks’ flight doesn’t go well.”

tom hanks apollo 13 cast away the terminal extremely loud and incredibly close

(Source: Reddit, golfandpie(Universal/Fox/DreamWorks/Warner Bros.)

5. “Aladdin” and “Les Miserables”

Plot: “Stole a loaf of bread, went to jail, was given riches by someone, gained political office, took part in rebellion against the government, has longstanding feud with one specific government official, ultimately influences this enemy to defeat himself.”

aladdin les miserables

(Source: Reddit, zninjazero(Disney/Universal)

6. “Finding Nemo” and “Taken”

Plot: “Overprotective, single father falls into dangerous situations in search of abducted child.”

finding nemo taken

(Source: Reddit, AndySocks(Pixar, Disney/Fox)

7. “Batman Begins” and “American Psycho”

Plot: “A wealthy man has an alter ego that only comes out at night.”

batman begins american psycho

(Source: Reddit, StuntmanTravis(Warner Bros./LionsGate)

8. “The Devil’s Advocate” and “Star Wars”

Plot: “Evil father attempts to get his son to help him rule the universe. Awkward sexual tension between brother and sister ensues.”

devils advocate star wars

(Source: Reddit, djkinz) (Warner Bros./Fox)

9. “Inception” and “Shutter Island”

Plot: “Leonardo DiCaprio is heart broken over the death of his wife and goes on an imaginary mission to make things better while the audience gets really confused.”

inception shutter island

(Source: Redditpjkenk2) (Warner Bros./Paramount)

10. “Gran Torino” and “Up”

Plot: “An old bitter man in changing times befriends his young Asian neighbor, who helps him overcome his cynicism and dislike of people after the death of his wife.” or “Old man stops trusting community and decides to take matters into his own hands.”

gran torino up

(Source: RedditAero06/keepcalmandgraduate) (Warner Bros./Disney, Pixar)

11. “Avatar,” “Pocahontas,” “Dances With Wolves,” and “Fern Gully”

Plot: A man joins up with natives to learn their culture and exploit them. He ends up falling in love with their way of life—and one of their women—and leads them to victory over those trying to take advantage of their resources.

avatar pocahontas fern gully dances with wolves

(Source: Reddit) (Fox/Disney/Orion)